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Our goal is to service clients with personal attention, skill, and compassion.


Thank you for visiting the Law Office of Lisa S. Fine, P.C.  We hope you will find this website to be informative. Our clients are not just case numbers or files to us, but human beings who have concerns and questions about an often confusing and sometimes scary situation. We believe that questions should be answered in a timely and comprehensive fashion and clients should receive frequent updates and status reports during the course of their legal action.


Whether it is a complex family matter or an automobile accident, every matter is handled with the same amount of care, professionalism, and proficiency. Every client is afforded the consideration and treatment as would be given to a family member or close friend. The motto “treat others how you would wish to be treated” was a founding principal for our firm. We welcome you to explore our website to find out more about the different practice areas and about our attorney, Lisa S. Fine.